Slinger Supper Speedway - Press Release

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Midwest Sportsman Championship Series set to run this Memorial Day Weekend at The Slinger Super Speedway!
By Lanae Weyer

Special; Slinger, WI - The Midwestsportsman Championship series is set to make up the rainout from the Bob Fish event this Sunday night at the Slinger Super Speedway.

Due to bad weather conditions the track canceled the Bob Fish Pontiac, Buick, GMC Alan Kulwicki Memorial. The Midwestsportsman Championship series will be run on the E.H. Wolf & Sons night. The new date for the Bob Fish Alan Kulwicki Memorial is set for August 22.

Discount coupons for the E.H. Wolf event are available at participating Amoco retailers across Wisconsin, including

COUNTRY MART Hwy 167 & Hwy 175, Richfield
DON’S UNIMART Hwy 144 & Hwy 175, Slinger
LANDRY’S BROOKFIELD BP Calhoun Rd, Brookfield
RAPID MART Highway 60, Hartford
ROMIES AMOCO Hwy 33, Allenton
SCHAEFER’S AMOCO Hwy 60 & Hwy 164, Slinger
VILLAGE MART Hwy 60, Jackson
WESTSIDE MART Hwy 60, Hartford
WILD GOOSE STATION Hwy 26 & Hwy 33, Juneau
WILLOW CREEK Hwy 175, Germantown

Coupons are good for a dollar off gate admission the Memorial Day Sunday night special.

Registration for the 2004 Miss Slinger Super Speedway pageant has begun and interested women should contact the speedway’s office at 262.644.5921 for further information or visit their web site at