Chopper Challenge Bike
Show & Ride Saturday at the Slinger Super Speedway!
By Lanae Weyer |
Slinger, WI - This Saturday
September 4th its the Chopper Challenge Bike Show and Ride at the Slinger Super
Speedway. The events begin at 9am with bike registration for Radical Bikes and Choppers
The bike show begins at 10am to 1pm with celebrity judges and show participants from New
York Mike of San Diego Harley Davidson, Senator Dave Zien, Motorcycle Hall of Fame award
winner and Tony Pan Sanfelipo, founder of Abate of Wisconsin & Motorcycle
Hall of Fame award Winner.
The Chopper Parade will begin at 1pm and follow up with the awards ceremony.
The Milwaukee Iron Celebrity Ride led by Women In Motion Road-Guards will begin and end at
the speedway. The ride begins at 2 pm and will be checkered at 5pm at the track.
Fans can meet Randy Simpson, owner of Milwaukee Iron and the Stars of Southern Steel of
Virginia. They will be showing their bikes and filming for an episode of Southern
Steel a series that will be aired on the Discovery Channel.
The event will conclude with raffle prizes and an autograph signing with all proceeds to
benefit accident scene management, Inc.
Join the fun and activities this Saturday September 4th from 9 to 6 and remember the
admission is free.
For more information visit accidentscene.net or call 1-877-411-8551. |